Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim. Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
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Quantum, from the eyes of DALL-E |
Masa ni aku kerja kat UTM sebagai Research Officer. So boss aku time tu, (Prof T), macam biasalah suruh aku explore benda - benda baru.
Ada lah satu hari tu. Perbualan dia lebih kurang macam ni.
Prof T: Fairuz, you tolong ganti I pergi ke satu seminar ni. Pasal Quantum. Nanti balik you explain balik kat I.
Aku: Ok baiklah.
Masa tu kat UTM, cerita pasal quantum ni agak hot jugak. Cuma for our Department of Math and our Research Group, ianya masih lagi kurang pendedahan. It is a scarce topik. Even other deparment pon tak tahu sangat pasal ni.
Antara contoh classical quantum yang biasa dengar time tu, adalah experiment Schrödinger's cat.
Citer experiment dia tu lebih kurang macam ni.
Dalam satu sealed box, ada kucing, racun, radioactive dan geiger counter (alat pengesan radioaktif dalam udara). Kalau geiger counter tu detect ada radioactive (ada decaying proses), racun tu akan dilepaskan dan membunuh kucing tersebut. Kalau kita buka box tu untuk tengok kucing tu hidup lagi atau tak (buat observation), basically kita dah kacau the experiment and the outcome jadi tak valid.
So masa kucing tu ada kat dalam sealed box tu dan box tu tak dibuka lagi, basically kucing tu sekarang ada in superposition. Kucing tu basically hidup DAN mati dalam kotak tu.
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Figure 122: Schrodinger Cat |
Basically that is the idea of superposition from classical quantum mechanic.
So for me, it is a good opportunity to venture and it is a very interesting topic to explore.
Here's the brochure hebahan dia.
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Figure 123: Poster Hebahan Seminar EQuaLS5 |
Not gonna lie, it is really an interesting topik. Sebelum tu aku baca - baca pasal quantum kat internet gitu gini je. So this time, I was exposed directly on how the world is viewing quantum in mathematical sense. Ya ilmu di dunia ni tersangatnya luas...
But unfortunately, tak sampai sebulan lepas tu, aku dapat offer kerja kat Kuala Lumpur. So I completed my report (on this) and my potential works for quantum for our department macam tu je.
Dan aku lupa, apa yang aku letak future plan..
13 years later. 2024..
Between now and then, aku ada lah jugak sekali sekala baca balik nota yang aku dapat masa seminar tu. Some of them really drives me till today. Especially from John Baez and his talk on Petri Net.
But that's about it. Baca sahaja. Until, sometime in this year. Bos aku kat tempat kerja sekarang ni (En A).
Bos aku: Fairuz, I nak you baca proposal ni, understand about this and create a presentation slide about this. Kita nak present ni nanti.
Aku belek - belek dan baca title proposal tu. Something about quantum.
Bos aku: You know anything about quantum?
Aku (while aknowledging myself betapa tipisnya ilmu aku pasal quantum): Tak. Saya tak tau.
So bos aku cerita lah pasal quantum from the start. Ok let me try rephrase balik dari cerita dia (feynman technique y'all).
Teknologi yang kita gunakan sekarang ni is based on logic gate. From the logic gate, the basic fundamental dia is the bit of data. So each bit contains either zero atau satu dalam satu satu masa and it cannot be both. The so-called bit ni lah yang building up the whole internet as we know today. Dari bit yang nilainya sama ada kosong, atau satu. But cannot be both.
Now in quantum, it is totally different. Both (or maybe more state) can exists dalam masa yang sama. So untuk satu - satu masa ni, it is possible to be both zero and one. So we call this as superposition (it exists in two state). In theory, it can be more than two state at a time. And in computing space, it is called qubit (in reference to bit tapi dalam bentuk quantum, or quantum bit.. qubit).
Ok tak aku explain?
In math, dia ada operator dia untuk represent quantum.
- |ψ⟩ is the quantum state untuk superposition tu (remember dia boleh jadi dua atau more state? so this is the notation dia)
- αn is the "amplitudes". so this is the probability for it to exists state mana (ya, maksudnya tak semua sate tu equal.. ada possiblity dia), dan
- |n⟩ is the state it self (contoh ni kat state n)
and |αn|2 is the kebarangkalian untuk dapatkan state |n⟩ dan syaratnya adalah ∑i|αi|2=1,∀i∈{1,2,3...,N}, sebab macam biasalah, tu kan probability.
Aku rasa la kan.. aku rasa macam cantik sangat equation ni. A single line of equation can represent two or more state at a time.
Seriously cantik.. Sangat..
23 Oktober 2024.
Side story - Baca Ikrar
Office Admin (OA) company kitorang whatsapp aku.
OA: Fairuz, 4/11 boleh baca ikrar tak? Herman baca doa.
Aku: Saya nervous kak.. huhuhuhu
OA: Bolehlah
Aku: Ada candidate lain tak?
Aku senyap kejap. This might be a good opportunity. But also scary.
Aku sambung: Tapi macam menarik gak.
(aku ni jenis apa yang aku fikir aku taip je terus kadang - kadang.. haha).
OA: Mesti boleh punya. Ada text. Boleh ya. Nk letak nama.
Aku: Ok kak. InsyaAllah ok.
OA: Baik, tq.
Actually, "InsyaAllah ok" tu is my words for me. Nak comfortkan diri. Seram weh. Nak membaca depan - depan ramai orang. Aku ni bukannya jenis biasa berucap kat perhimpunan. Aku masa tu fikir nak baca ikrar pon dah rasa nervous. Huhuhuhuh
And believe me. Aku dah prepare aku punya own kill switch. Kalau aku tak ready, aku call in sick and hopefully akan ada orang boleh ganti.. Sampai macam tu sekali aku fikir.
And so, the supposedly tarikh aku baca ikrar tu, diganjakkan ke minggu seterusnya because some of mixed up from the HR.
Baru aku perasan masa menulis ni. It's quite a nice date actually. 11/11/2024.
So masa tarikh (baru) tu, aku bacalah ikrar depan (more or less) 60% pekerja office aku tu.
Here's the summary from my colleague.
"Macam ketua pengawas". "Baca berita". "Semangat".
And also some of my close friend bagi some tips for improvement.
But hey, at least it is over. Right?
That afternoon.
Aku pergi lah makan kat kafe. Ada geng - geng aku duduk sekali kat situ. Lepas tu boss aku dengan boss kepada boss aku makan sekali kat meje yang sama, cuma diorang duduk at the other end (ala satu meje boleh muat dalam 4 kerusi tu je.. tapi sambung 3 meja).
Dalam pukul 2 petang tu, geng - geng aku semua mula la balik. Tinggal aku kat meja hujung kanan, bos kepada bos aku (CEO), duduk kat meje tengah dan boss aku duduk kat meje hujung kiri.
Aku terdengar perbualan diorang.
Bos aku: Aku dah nekad. Kalau diorang bagi surat suruh aku pindah, kat situ jugak aku resign.
Tersentak aku. CEO aku pon senyap.
CEO: Jangan macam tu. Kalau kau resign, company aku rugi, company diorang pon rugi.
I think I know what is this all about.
You see. There's been some rumours yang bos aku akan diarahkan untuk pindah to our sister company. Tiap kali aku tanya boss aku pasal rumours tu, dia cakap "takde apa. you jangan risau. I tak lari punya".
But this time, I feel like it is real. Ye lah, siap cakap depan CEO macam tu kan.
Aku masa tu try la korek sikit cerita tu..
Unfortunately, both my boss and my CEO kata "tak apa. you jangan risau. pandai - pandailah kami handle".
12th November, 2024
For the next three days (12 Nov sampai 14 Nov 2024) tu, aku ada training kat luar.
Aku dok terfikir pasal perbualan diorang kat kafe tu.
Kebetulan ada kawan office aku yang pergi sekali ke training tu.
Kawan: Aku dengar boss kau nak kene pindah ke our sister company.
Aku: Aku pon baru dengar semalam. Tapi aku tak dapat detail.
Kawan: Untung la kau. Lepas tu senang lah kau terus naik pangkat.
Aku senyap.
One of the main reason I stayed this company for a long time is because I can create my enjoyment kerja kat sini.
I have seen macam mana bos aku punya kerja. Banyak jumpa orang sana sini. Nego sana sini. Hari - hari fikir nak carik ravenue untuk pastikan all of our staff still ada kerja lagi for next year.
Pening. Dan seram. Benda dah melibatkan periuk nasi orang. Walaupon chances untuk aku ganti tempat bos aku tu is basically slim to none (for sure aku rasa CEO aku akan hire orang lain), but the probability is still there.
And I don't want to take the resposibility apa yang boss aku tanggung sekarang ni.
14th November, 2024
Aku skip training. Sanggup.
Reason dia satu je. I need to know how the actual story (yang pasal boss aku nak tinggalkan kitorang tu la).
Walaupon aku tau boss aku tak akan cerita detail pasal cerita tu, but only I know how to make him talk.
So boss aku pon cerita lah.
To simply put; Boss aku kata dia properly decline the offer. And that was it. End of story (katanya).
But I think it is not that simple. But time will tell..
18 November, 2024
Takde hujan takde ribut. Tetiba aku dapat email around 2:30 PM.
Dear All,
Kindly be informed that [my boss name here] will be on leave from 19 – 21 November 2024.
In his absence, Fairuz will deputise for him.
Thank you.
Email macam ni, kali kedua aku dapat. Sebelum ni, bulan Jun hari tu.
Aku senyap.
Aku cuba meneruskan hari tersebut dengan cukup berhati - hati dan bersahaja. Adalah juga certain - certain issue yang aku rasa tak perlu nak peningkan kepala bos aku, aku buat decision sendiri.
And I wonder..
Believe it or not. All these situation is really put me on a strange side. And weirdly enough. Aku rasa macam superposition tu betul - betul berlaku kat aku.
Masa aku dioffer untuk baca ikrar tu, on one side, aku rasa takut sangat. Not ready. Not my thing nak bercakap kat depan orang ramai. Walaupon hanya baca skrip.. But at the same time, aku sangat nak mencuba. Public speaking. Ni kelemahan aku. And I have the opportunity to face it.
Basically masa tu, I'm living in the two state scenario. Aku nak baca ikrar and at the same time aku tak nak. Aku tak nak, tapi aku nak jugak.
So I let the time slips by and hopefully everything is ok. And alhamdulillah. Semua ok.
And the same thing goes masa aku dengar citer pasal boss aku nak kene transfer tu. Dan masa aku dideputisekan.
I really don't want to. But what if it is really happens? During that time, aku tak tau apa decision boss aku. So I see it as in a superposition state. Aku tak tau. Memang tak tau apa.
So what can I do, I just let it be. Hidup je lah dengan dua (or more) state ni.
Just like Schrödinger's Cat punya experiment...
You see.. In Ancient American, ada satu cerita rakyat ni.
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
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Figure 124: The Tale of Two Wolves |
The thing is that, I also do believe that we always living in multiple state at the same time. The one yang win is actually the one with more probabilty like the αn.
So what can I do?
It is simple actually. Mana yang kita boleh drive, kita cuba. Macam cerita serigala atas tu. The one that we feed. We are actually always facing the superposition state!
But we also need to know that..
Aturan kehidupan kita ni tak pernah salah. Allah SWT dah atur hidup kita ni terbaik untuk kita. Kita hanya perlu rajin panjatkan kesyukuran kita dan sentiasa mengingati Nya.. InsyaAllah, semua akan ok.
Wallahu a'lam..