
Khamis, 14 September 2006

This is NOT a story about a girl named Lucky...

UTM kekurangan gula! puas carik kat mane mane koop or arked. pon takde jual gak. tension plak rase kalo kehidupan ni takde gula (seolah2 takde perasaan manis di dalam kehidupan). Dah dekat seminggu bekas gula aku kosong je :(

Tiap tiap malam, nak tak nak terpakse la aku buat air nescafe tanpa gula. tapi kadang kadang layan gak kalo minum air tanpa gula. bak kata pepatah, yang pahit itu ubat :)

Thanks to nickey, dapat gak merasa kemanisan dengan cookies yang die bagi. thank you very very much. Famous Amos.. try gak nak jimat jimat for future use. tapi tak leh ar. sedap++. sekarang ni tinggal 1 je cookies tu. nak makan time dah betul betul lapo sampai nak pengsan.

So, in the one fateful night, terpaksa la mintak tolong nazri (a.k.a geweng) pergi taman u nak carik gula (and tembakau :). So, mase balik tu lalu ar pintu gerbang utm. then kene tahan dengan pak gad. Die kate "Mane kad metrix korang". geweng bagi kad metrix die and aku bagi kad matrix lame aku (expired date 2006-06). and then pak gad sound aku soh aku pergi balik bilik amik kad metrix aku and in the same time, die tahan kad metrix kitorang. mase nak g balik bilik aku, geweng senyap je. of course la. aku punye salah tapi sampai melibatkan die. sori sesangat to geweng. my whole life terlampau banyak menyusahkan orang walaupun aku try to avoid. "bad luck ko slalu la berjangkit kat orang lain", kata member aku bulan lepas. moral of this paragraph, jangan la rapat dengan aku kalo korang sayang luck korang. hehehehe

Somehow, early in this week, i was given a new hope. a hope that i think could change my life. a hope that i was hoping for. [un]fortunately, i somewhat realize that the hope is stabbing me in the back. my hope is betraying me. thanks to my best friend (as a proxy) to tell me the truth. the truth which is very hard to accept.

teringat plak kata kata Azah (who is the most wonderful and beutiful girl) masa kitorang bincang pasal problem with my life. 2 major weakness that i should overcome in this life.

  1. Mudah percaya

  2. Mudah mengharap

Hopefully, i could surpass this weakness. And yeah, life is hilariously cruel..

11 ulasan:

  1. Uik.. ala.. cool la wei.. life goes on.... all things in y0ur life have been decide.. some can be change by your hardwork but the others(death,your wife) can't... by Mr had been stabbed in the back many time anonymous SSL Elite Working proxy

  2. aku dari tahun satu tgu nicky bagi famous amos tu...xde pun dia bg..xpelaa...aku beli sendri laa..kat taman u ade ek..huhuh

  3. huh, ape cik siti asmah? dr first year? rasenye kite kenal pun 3rd year...

    eh kat tmn u ade ke famous amos? biar betul...

  4. yup Mr Kucai. Ni antara ayat yang ko suka sekali..

    AMY: In every life we have some trouble.
    BENDER: But when you worry you make it double.

    - Futurama The Stings (509)

    seriously ade kat taman u? kat mane tu?


terima kaseh :)

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