
Isnin, 12 Mac 2007

Microsoft Scripting Games (Part 4)

Alhamdulillah. jumaat lepas dapat email dari scripting guys (mekrosop)..

Hi. To begin with, we’d like to thank you for participating in this year’s Winter Scripting Games. But you don’t care about that, do you? All you care about is the fact that you’ve won one of the coveted Dr. Scripto Bobblehead Dolls!

To claim your prize all you need to do is send us a mailing address (not a P.O. box but a physical address) and a phone number; that information is required by the shipping company. If you could reply to this email and supply us with that information we’ll send your bobblehead out just as soon as we get it. (We were supposed to have them by already, but the bobblehead maker tells us it will probably be another 2-3 weeks before we get them.)

In addition, our records indicate that you are eligible for one or more Scripting Games’ Certificates of Excellence. If you could let also let us know what name you would like printed on the certificate we’ll get that shipped out to you as well.

Thanks again for helping us out with this year’s Games. If you have any questions about this please let us know.

Greg Stemp and Jean Ross

Microsoft Scripting Guys

aku dah cakap kat kucai aku nak bagi patung tu kat kucai kalo aku dapat sebab aku tak suke simpan patung kat bilik/rumah aku.. but.. terpaksa la aku memungkir janji dan memungkir falsafah aku. ahaha

6 ulasan:

  1. actually, thanks kat korang sume sebab bagi semangat. :)

  2. wowowowowowowo.... aku dapat patung.. yeah..... thanks a lot ;p

  3. bila la aku nak setanding ko mr 'f'...kpd mr 'f'..dia xnak bg la...mungkin di kelahiran akan dtg pon xdpt tandingi ko...isk isk...

  4. ish bkn ko je...tp korang berdua...mr 'f' n mr 'k'..

    Pembetulan :

    bila la aku nak setanding ko mr 'f'...kpd mr 'k'..

  5. huhuhu... ko ni.. jgn la cakap camtu.. sume org ada kelebihan.... dan ada kelemahan... kesimpulannye.. berusaha.. aku cepat bosan orangnye... explore,puas&tinggal,bosan.. explore balik

  6. for some reason, aku agree dengan k. aku x power lagi. aku tak reti pasal network, database, directx programming. java pon aku tak tau ape..keje pon tak de lagi. damn..


terima kaseh :)

Nota: Hanya ahli blog ini sahaja yang boleh mencatat ulasan.