
Isnin, 20 Ogos 2007

...aah! Hail to the King

A tribute to Cromok

Satu album yang best untuk peminat peminat Cromok. Lagu tribute untuk Cromok setelah 20 tahun bertakhta di hati peminat metal di Nusantara. Dimainkan semula oleh band band underground Malaysia (negaraku yang tercinta). Ni song list album nih.

01 - Wan Salmah Wan Sulaiman - Intro.mp3
02 - Amuk - Seakan Menguji.mp3
03 - Sil Khannaz - Metallurgical.mp3
04 - Langsuyr - Misery.mp3
05 - Dragon Red - Unicorn.mp3
06 - Amethyst - Farewell.mp3
07 - Samurai - Journey.mp3
08 - Mantak - The Other.mp3
09 - Necrotic Chaos - Prophecy.mp3
10 - Narsanum - Seedling.mp3
11 - Vociferation Enternity - Misty.mp3
12 - Insecure - Shadow Play.mp3
13 - Malex - Error.mp3

Ni lagu yang aku paling suke skali dalam album ni:
Langsuyr - Misery
leh aje kalo nak wat perbandingan dengan lagu asal:
Cromok - Misery

Sedap pulak layan lagu metal yang 'digelapkan'. dulu slalu dengar lagu biase biase di punk rockkan, dimetalkan.. tapi kali ni nak try dengar lagu metal (Cromok is a trash metal band) ke metal errr... (hehehehe).

Tah la. dengar cite cromok dah makin slow (bukan lagunye makin slow, tapi production and performance). and lagi tak best, ni quote dari wikipedia:

Just recently in 2005, Sam announced that they were going on a hiatus and that all band activities are suspended. After almost 20 years pumping metal firepower, Cromok has now come to a state of suspended animation. Sam, however, stated that they will do shows provided that the pay is good and he also stressed that Cromok is very much alive. It is just that they won't be recording anymore (maybe not for a long, long time).

Just recently lead guitarist Hillary Ang has rejoined his old band Search, thus speculating a break-up and the end of Cromok.

apa apa hal pon, all the best untuk Cromok dan supporternye.

Disclaimer: kalo suke lagu ni, sile beli.. bla bla bla...


To live in this cruel world
Is to see what you don't want to see
To know what life meant
Sacrifice your need

Years of torturing ourselves
Chasing our own destiny
Taken away without sympathy
Leave us to rot in poverty

In every corner and dark street
You'll see their eyes are laughing at you
Fear won't lose its grips
There's nothing you can do

Nobody cares to stop them
Nodody cares what happens to me
No one hears my endless scream
Save me from my misery

There are so many paths to choose
So many ways to live
So many ways to end a dream
We still remain, your cruelty won't change
Our laughter and cries are still the same

You have your own story
You have a few mouths to feed
Feeding them with your own sin
Satisfy their need

If it happens to you my friend
Tell me how you'd feel
You meet someone without honesty
Someone else is laughing endlessly

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terima kaseh :)

Nota: Hanya ahli blog ini sahaja yang boleh mencatat ulasan.