Today is my final day for my 3 days-full research class. 3 bloody days. 9am to 5 pm. hopefully i could finish it well (till this 5pm lol).
Well.. i'm not saying it is boring. it depends. on the lecture. on the environment (especially when u see most of the ppl in the class is sleeping or talking to each other). and even on myself (trying to act tough, huh?). if EITHER one of those happens, the whole mood will crumble down. dang. hate it..
but 1 thing i like (about this kind of lecture) is everybody could take out their asses out from lecture hall, even if the lecture is still on his 'talking to himself'. boleh keluar dan balik rumah sesuka hati. it's just not seem a good morale for me to do dat (and i don't have a courage to just get my asses out in the middle of lecture). dan semalam, there is a girl who is sitting next to me is sleeping for 1 hours, suddenly wake up, mumbling mumbling and just gone with the winds.. hah. really admire her ;p
also, thanks to my housemate and أني for helping me to wake up early these 3 days.
well.. good luck for me lah ;p
ps: sorry for my stupidity in english..
ps: this class is NOT related to the class that i've mention before.
fiza ke yg pakai tudung pink itu?
BalasPadamfiza? dunno. maybe kot. wah. camne ko leh cam? ;p
BalasPadamterer la ko speaking...macho abis
BalasPadam- j o h a r i -
BalasPadamat least ko datang balik ke kelas tu. yang diorang ni, hampeh. sume blah siap bawak beg. kuar beramai skali. macam mogok lak. haha
banyak spelling error, crummy plot and the structure sentence is like drinking a wine :(
tak bleh blah..awek tu tidoq dengan selambanya..
BalasPadammacam mana tau awek tu tdo dengan selamba? adakah kamu berada dipersekitaran? ataw ......??? hehehehe
BalasPadamentah..aku pon sebat je agak..patutnya..ko candid..supaya bukti kukuh..
BalasPadamada gambar candid ni. pose tdo yang agak... emm.. tak taw la nk cakap ape ;p perlu ke letak kat sini? hehe
BalasPadamresearch methodology punya bengkel?
BalasPadamhuh..hari pertama saja yang bersemangat! masuk hari ke 2, 3 dah ada rasa bosan..3jam hanya duduk dan mendengar org bercakap. heh..nasib baik bawa bekalan mknn (kek coklat & kek pisang)..yeay boleh makan :)
adakah awek yg tdo itu mengiurkn?? hahaha!
BalasPadamkimsalam kat dia eh...heheh
BalasPadamtahniah kerana melepasi 3hari itu
BalasPadamkim slm kat lecturer tu..tetap maintain wlpn ramai yg tido... ahahaha!!!
BalasPadamtapi, sekali imbas lecturer tu mcm Jaafar Onn la pula....hehehe.. sorry, ya mr. lecturer!
BalasPadamhehe. betul tu. mase tu ramai gak nampak orang makan kat dalam kelas. ni belum kira lagi diorang yang ditch dari kelas then terug g meranti sambil menikmati juadah yang lazat ;p
ya. dia amat menggiurkan. sebab tu aku dok sebelah dia. hehe
baiklah. kan ku kirimkan salammu kepadanya ;p
err.. ok thanks ;p
tak nak la kem salam kat lecturer tu. tak kenal. mungkin jumpa dia sekali je seumur hidup. aku bukannya sumur yang panjang pon ;p
a'ah laa. ada iras iras siket. adek beradek kot ;p